// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // PopCalendar 1.5 // // Copyright (c) 2009 alquanto.de // // // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // if( typeof( nv_formatString ) == 'undefined' ) var nv_formatString = "mm/dd/yyyy"; if( typeof( nv_gotoString ) == 'undefined' ) var nv_gotoString = "Go To Current Month"; if( typeof( nv_todayString ) == 'undefined' ) var nv_todayString = "Today is"; if( typeof( nv_weekShortString ) == 'undefined' ) var nv_weekShortString = "Wk"; if( typeof( nv_weekString ) == 'undefined' ) var nv_weekString = "calendar week"; if( typeof( nv_scrollLeftMessage ) == 'undefined' ) var nv_scrollLeftMessage = "Click to scroll to previous month. Hold mouse button to scroll automatically."; if( typeof( nv_scrollRightMessage ) == 'undefined' ) var nv_scrollRightMessage = "Click to scroll to next month. Hold mouse button to scroll automatically."; if( typeof( nv_selectMonthMessage ) == 'undefined' ) var nv_selectMonthMessage = "Click to select a month."; if( typeof( nv_selectYearMessage ) == 'undefined' ) var nv_selectYearMessage = "Click to select a year."; if( typeof( nv_selectDateMessage ) == 'undefined' ) var nv_selectDateMessage = "Select [date] as date."; if( typeof( nv_aryMonth ) == 'undefined' ) var nv_aryMonth = new Array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"); if( typeof( nv_aryMS ) == 'undefined' ) var nv_aryMS = new Array("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"); if( typeof( nv_aryDayNS ) == 'undefined' ) var nv_aryDayNS = new Array("Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"); if( typeof( nv_aryDayName ) == 'undefined' ) var nv_aryDayName = new Array('Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'); if( typeof( nv_my_ofs ) == 'undefined' ) var nv_my_ofs = 7; if( typeof( nv_siteroot ) == 'undefined' ) var nv_siteroot = '/'; var popCalendar = { enablePast : true, // true - enabled ; false - disabled fixedX : -1, // x position (-1 if to appear below control) fixedY : -1, // y position (-1 if to appear below control) startAt : 1, // 0 - sunday ; 1 - monday, ... showWeekNumber : false, // false - don't show; true - show showToday : true, // false - don't show; true - show showDayLetter : false, // false - use 2-3 letter day abbreviations; true - show only one letter for a day theme : "default", // directory for images and styles hideElements : false, // InternetExplorer <6 overlaps selectboxes and applets BEFORE the popCalendar. so hide these temporarily? o: null, om: null, oy: null, monthSelected: null, yearSelected: null, dateSelected: null, omonthSelected: null, oyearSelected: null, odateSelected: null, yearConstructed: null, intervalID1: null, intervalID2: null, timeoutID1: null, timeoutID2: null, ctlToPlaceValue: null, ctlNow: null, dateFormat: null, nStartingYear: null, curX: 0, curY: 0, visYear: 0, visMonth: 0, bPageLoaded : false, ie : (/msie/i.test(navigator.userAgent) && !/opera/i.test(navigator.userAgent)), ie7 : (/msie 7/i.test(navigator.userAgent)), $ : function() { var e = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { var element = arguments[i]; if (typeof element == 'string') element = document.getElementById(element); if (arguments.length == 1) return element; e.push(element); } return e; }, today : new Date(), dateNow : null, monthNow : null, yearNow : null, bShow : false, // hides and objects (for IE only) showElement: function(elmID) { if(this.ie && !this.ie7) { for(var i = 0; i < document.all.tags( elmID ).length; i++) { var obj = document.all.tags(elmID)[i]; if(!obj || !obj.offsetParent) continue; obj.style.visibility = ''; } } }, // helper-functions: getLeft: function(l) { if (l.offsetParent) return (l.offsetLeft + this.getLeft(l.offsetParent)); else return (l.offsetLeft); }, getTop: function(l) { if (l.offsetParent) return (l.offsetTop + this.getTop(l.offsetParent)); else return (l.offsetTop); }, /** * Initialize the calendar. This Function must be called before show() * @param boolean installEventHandlers install event handlers to hide the calendar */ init: function(installEventHandlers) { var ofs = this.today.getTimezoneOffset() / 60; this.today.setHours(this.today.getHours() + ofs + nv_my_ofs); this.dateNow = this.today.getDate(); this.monthNow = this.today.getMonth(); this.yearNow = this.today.getFullYear(); document.write('
'); if (this.showToday) document.write (''); document.write('
'); this.o = this.$('pcIDcalendar'); popCalendar.hide(); this.om = this.$('pcIDselectMonth'); this.oy = this.$('pcIDselectYear'); this.yearConstructed = false; var s = '
'; s += '
'; s += '
'; s += '
'; this.$('pcIDcaption').innerHTML = s; if (!installEventHandlers) { // hide calendar when enter has been pressed document.onkeypress = function (event) { if (!event) event = window.event; if (event.keyCode == 27) popCalendar.hide(); }; document.onclick = function () { // hide calendar when ... if (!popCalendar.bShow) popCalendar.hide(); popCalendar.bShow = false; }; } var c = document.createElement('link'); // insert CSS in header-section: with (c) { type = 'text/css'; rel = 'stylesheet'; href = nv_siteroot + 'js/popcalendar/calendar_themes/' + this.theme+'/style.css'; media = 'screen'; } document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(c); this.bPageLoaded=true; }, hide: function() { this.o.style.visibility = 'hidden'; if (this.om != null) this.om.style.visibility = 'hidden'; if (this.oy != null) this.oy.style.visibility = 'hidden'; if (this.hideElements) { this.showElement('SELECT'); this.showElement('APPLET'); } }, // holidays... HolidaysCounter: 0, Holidays: new Array(), HolidayRec: function(d, m, y, desc) { this.d = d; this.m = m; this.y = y; this.desc = desc; }, addHoliday: function(d, m, y, desc) { this.Holidays[this.HolidaysCounter++] = new this.HolidayRec (d, m, y, desc); }, padZero: function(num) { return (num < 10) ? '0' + num : num; }, constructDate: function(d,m,y) { var s = this.dateFormat; s = s.replace('dd',''); s = s.replace('d',''); s = s.replace('',this.padZero(d)); s = s.replace('',d); s = s.replace('mmmm','

'); s = s.replace('mmm',''); s = s.replace('mm',''); s = s.replace('m',''); s = s.replace('',m+1); s = s.replace('',this.padZero(m+1)); s = s.replace('',nv_aryMonth[m]); s = s.replace('

',nv_aryMS[m]); s = s.replace('yyyy',y); s = s.replace('yy',this.padZero(y%100)); s = s.replace('hh',this.hour); s = s.replace('xx',this.minute); s = s.replace('ss',this.second); return s.replace ('yy',this.padZero(y%100)); }, close: function(day) { this.hide(); if (day) this.dateSelected = day; this.ctlToPlaceValue.value = this.constructDate(this.dateSelected, this.monthSelected, this.yearSelected); }, setToday: function() { this.dateSelected = this.dateNow; this.monthSelected = this.monthNow; this.yearSelected = this.yearNow; this.construct(); }, StartDecMonth: function() { // Month Pulldown this.intervalID1 = setInterval('popCalendar.decMonth()',80); }, StartIncMonth: function() { this.intervalID1 = setInterval('popCalendar.incMonth()',80); }, incMonth: function() { this.monthSelected++; if (this.monthSelected > 11) {this.monthSelected = 0; this.yearSelected++;} this.construct(); }, decMonth: function() { this.monthSelected--; if (this.monthSelected < 0) {this.monthSelected = 11; this.yearSelected--;} this.construct(); }, constructMonth: function() { this.popDownYear(); var s = ''; for (i=0; i<12; i++) { var sName = nv_aryMonth[i]; if (i == this.monthSelected) sName = '' + sName + ''; s += '

  • ' + sName + '
  • '; } this.om.innerHTML = '
      ' + s + '
    '; }, popUpMonth: function() { var leftOffset; if (this.visMonth == 1) { this.popDownMonth(); this.visMonth--; } else { this.constructMonth(); this.om.style.visibility = 'visible'; leftOffset = parseInt(this.o.style.left) + this.$('pcIDMonth').offsetLeft; if (this.ie) leftOffset += 1; this.om.style.left = leftOffset + 'px'; this.om.style.top = parseInt(this.o.style.top) + 19 + 'px'; if (this.hideElements) { this.hideElement('SELECT', this.om); this.hideElement('APPLET', this.om); } this.visMonth++; } }, popDownMonth: function() { this.om.style.visibility = 'hidden'; this.visMonth = 0; }, incYear: function() { // Year Pulldown for (var i=0; i<7; i++) { var newYear = (i + this.nStartingYear) + 1; this.$('pcY'+i).innerHTML = (newYear == this.yearSelected) ? ''+newYear+'' : newYear; } this.nStartingYear++; this.bShow=true; }, decYear: function() { for (var i=0; i<7; i++) { var newYear = (i + this.nStartingYear) - 1; this.$('pcY'+i).innerHTML = (newYear == this.yearSelected) ? ''+newYear+'' : newYear; } this.nStartingYear--; this.bShow=true; }, selectYear: function(nYear) { this.yearSelected = parseInt(nYear + this.nStartingYear); this.yearConstructed = false; this.construct(); this.popDownYear(); }, constructYear: function() { this.popDownMonth(); var s = ''; if (!this.yearConstructed) { s = '
  • -
  • '; var j = 0; this.nStartingYear = this.yearSelected - 3; for ( var i = (this.yearSelected-3); i <= (this.yearSelected+3); i++ ) { var sName = i; if (i == this.yearSelected) sName = '' + sName + ''; s += '
  • ' + sName + '
  • '; j++; } s += '
  • +
  • '; this.oy.innerHTML = '
      ' + s + '
    '; this.yearConstructed = true; } }, popDownYear: function() { clearInterval(this.intervalID1); clearTimeout(this.timeoutID1); clearInterval(this.intervalID2); clearTimeout(this.timeoutID2); this.oy.style.visibility= 'hidden'; this.visYear = 0; }, popUpYear: function() { var leftOffset; if (this.visYear==1) { this.popDownYear(); this.visYear--; } else { this.constructYear(); this.oy.style.visibility = 'visible'; leftOffset = parseInt(this.o.style.left) + this.$('pcIDYear').offsetLeft; if (this.ie) leftOffset += 1; this.oy.style.left = leftOffset + 'px'; this.oy.style.top = parseInt(this.o.style.top) + 19 + 'px'; this.visYear++; } }, WeekNbr: function(n) { // construct calendar // Algorithm used from Klaus Tondering's Calendar document (The Authority/Guru) // //www.tondering.dk/claus/calendar.html if (n == null) n = new Date (this.yearSelected,this.monthSelected,1); var year = n.getFullYear(); var month = n.getMonth() + 1; if (this.startAt == 0) { var day = n.getDate() + 1; } else { var day = n.getDate(); } var a = Math.floor((14-month) / 12); var y = year + 4800 - a; var m = month + 12 * a - 3; var b = Math.floor(y/4) - Math.floor(y/100) + Math.floor(y/400); var J = day + Math.floor((153 * m + 2) / 5) + 365 * y + b - 32045; var d4 = (((J + 31741 - (J % 7)) % 146097) % 36524) % 1461; var L = Math.floor(d4 / 1460); var d1 = ((d4 - L) % 365) + L; var week = Math.floor(d1/7) + 1; return week; }, construct : function() { var aNumDays = Array (31,0,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31); var startDate = new Date (this.yearSelected,this.monthSelected,1); var endDate; if (this.monthSelected==1) { // get days of February endDate = new Date (this.yearSelected,this.monthSelected+1,1); endDate = new Date (endDate - (24*60*60*1000)); var numDaysInMonth = endDate.getDate(); } else { var numDaysInMonth = aNumDays[this.monthSelected]; } var dayPointer = startDate.getDay() - this.startAt; if (dayPointer<0) dayPointer = 6; var s = ''; // dayheader if (this.showWeekNumber) { // spacer for Weeknumbers s += ''; } for (var i = 0; i<7; i++) { // render daynames if (this.showDayLetter) s += ''; else s += ''; } s += ''; if (this.showWeekNumber) { s += ''; } for ( var i=1; i<=dayPointer; i++ ) { s += ''; } for (var datePointer=1; datePointer <= numDaysInMonth; datePointer++) { dayPointer++; var sClass = ''; var selDayAction = ''; var sHint = ''; for (var k=0; k < this.HolidaysCounter; k++) { // insert holidays if ((parseInt(this.Holidays[k].d) == datePointer)&&(parseInt(this.Holidays[k].m) == (this.monthSelected+1))) { if ((parseInt(this.Holidays[k].y)==0)||((parseInt(this.Holidays[k].y)==this.yearSelected)&&(parseInt(this.Holidays[k].y)!=0))) { sClass = 'pcDayHoliday '; sHint += sHint=="" ? this.Holidays[k].desc : "\n"+this.Holidays[k].desc; } } } sHint = sHint.replace('/\"/g', '"'); if ((datePointer == this.odateSelected) && (this.monthSelected == this.omonthSelected) && (this.yearSelected == this.oyearSelected)) { sClass+='pcDaySelected'; // selected day } else if ((datePointer == this.dateNow) && (this.monthSelected == this.monthNow) && (this.yearSelected == this.yearNow)) { sClass+='pcToday'; // today } else if ( (dayPointer % 7 == (this.startAt * -1)+1) || ((dayPointer % 7 == (this.startAt * -1)+7 && this.startAt==1) || (dayPointer % 7 == this.startAt && this.startAt==0)) ) { sClass+='pcWeekend'; // sunday } else { sClass+='pcDay'; // every other day } if (!this.enablePast && ( this.yearSelected < this.yearNow || (this.yearSelected == this.yearNow && this.monthSelected < this.monthNow) || (this.yearSelected == this.yearNow && this.monthSelected == this.monthNow && datePointer < this.dateNow) )) { sClass+='Past'; // all CSS-classes with past-style are suffixed with "Past": } else { selDayAction = 'href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="javascript:popCalendar.close('+datePointer+');"'; } // create HTML: s += ''; if ((dayPointer+this.startAt) % 7 == this.startAt) { s += ''; if (datePointer < numDaysInMonth) { s += ''; // open next table row, if we are not at the and of actual month if (this.showWeekNumber) { s += ''; } } } } if (dayPointer % 7 != 0) s += ''; // close last opened table row s+='
    ' + nv_weekShortString + '' + nv_aryDayNS[(i+this.startAt) % 7].charAt(0) + '' + nv_aryDayNS[(i+this.startAt) % 7] + '
    ' + this.WeekNbr(this.startDate) + ' '+datePointer+'
    ' + (this.WeekNbr(new Date(this.yearSelected,this.monthSelected,datePointer+1))) + '
    '; this.$('pcIDcontent').innerHTML = s; this.$('pcIDMonth').innerHTML = '' + nv_aryMonth[this.monthSelected] + ''; this.$('pcIDYear').innerHTML = '' + this.yearSelected + ''; }, /** * Main function, shows the calendar. * * @param btn The "button" which (de-)activates the calendar * @param ctl The field to receive the selected date; element or ID-string * @param format Format of the date-string; optional; see constructDate() * @param past allow dates in the past; optional; yes=true, no=false * @param x x-position of the calendar; optional; -1 for directly below btn * @param y y-position of the calendar; optional; -1 for directly below btn * @param start Start of the week; optional; Monday=1 or Sunday=0 */ show: function(btn, ctl, format, past, x, y, start) { if (start != null) this.startAt = start; if (!format) format = nv_formatString; if (!btn) btn = this; if (!ctl) ctl = btn; this.enablePast = (past != null) ? past : this.enablePast; this.fixedX = (x != null) ? x : -1; this.fixedY = (y != null) ? y : -1; if (this.showToday) this.$('pcIDfooter').innerHTML = nv_todayString+' '+ nv_aryDayName[(this.today.getDay()) % 7]+', '+this.dateNow+' '+nv_aryMS[this.monthNow]+' '+this.yearNow+''; this.popUp(btn, ctl, format); }, popUp: function(btn, ctl, format) { var formatChar = ''; var aFormat = new Array(); if (typeof(btn)=='string') btn = this.$(btn); if (typeof(ctl)=='string') ctl = this.$(ctl); if (this.bPageLoaded) { if (this.o.style.visibility == 'hidden') { this.ctlToPlaceValue = ctl; this.dateFormat = format || this.dateFormat; formatChar = ' '; aFormat = this.dateFormat.split(formatChar); if (aFormat.length < 3) { formatChar = '/'; aFormat = this.dateFormat.split(formatChar); if (aFormat.length < 3) { formatChar = '.'; aFormat = this.dateFormat.split(formatChar); if (aFormat.length < 3) { formatChar = '-'; aFormat = this.dateFormat.split(formatChar); if (aFormat.length < 3) { formatChar = ''; // invalid date format } } } } var tokensChanged = 0; var aData; if (formatChar != "") { aData = ctl.value.split(formatChar); // use user's date for (var i=0; i<3; i++) { if ((aFormat[i] == "d") || (aFormat[i] == "dd")) { this.dateSelected = parseInt(aData[i], 10); tokensChanged++; } else if ((aFormat[i] == "m") || (aFormat[i] == "mm")) { this.monthSelected = parseInt(aData[i], 10) - 1; tokensChanged++; } else if (aFormat[i] == "yyyy") { this.yearSelected = parseInt(aData[i], 10); tokensChanged++; } else if (aFormat[i] == "mmm") { for (j=0; j<12; j++) { if (aData[i] == nv_aryMonth[j]) { this.monthSelected=j; tokensChanged++; } } } else if (aFormat[i] == "mmmm") { for (j=0; j<12; j++) { if (aData[i] == nv_aryMS[j]) { this.monthSelected = j; tokensChanged++; } } } } } var TimeFormatChar = ':'; var timeString = ctl.value.split(" "); if (timeString[1] !=null) { var timeTokens = timeString[1].split(':'); if(timeTokens[0].length==2) { this.hour = timeTokens[0]; } if (timeTokens[1].length==2) { this.minute = timeTokens[1]; } if (timeTokens[2].length==2) { this.second= timeTokens[2]; } } else { this.hour=00; this.minute=00; this.second=00; } if ((tokensChanged != 3) || isNaN(this.dateSelected) || isNaN(this.monthSelected) || this.monthSelected<0 || isNaN(this.yearSelected)) { this.dateSelected = this.dateNow; this.monthSelected = this.monthNow; this.yearSelected = this.yearNow; } this.odateSelected = this.dateSelected; this.omonthSelected = this.monthSelected; this.oyearSelected = this.yearSelected; if (typeof jQuery != 'undefined') { // use jQuery if available this.o.style.top = (this.fixedY == -1) ? $(btn).position().top + btn.offsetHeight + 'px' : this.fixedY + 'px' ; this.o.style.left= (this.fixedX == -1) ? $(btn).position().left + 'px' : this.fixedX + 'px'; } else { this.o.style.top = (this.fixedY == -1) ? btn.offsetTop + this.getTop(btn.offsetParent) + btn.offsetHeight + 2 + 'px' : this.fixedY + 'px' ; this.o.style.left= (this.fixedX == -1) ? btn.offsetLeft + this.getLeft(btn.offsetParent) + 'px' : this.fixedX + 'px'; } this.construct (1, this.monthSelected, this.yearSelected); this.o.style.visibility = "visible"; if (this.hideElements) { this.hideElement('SELECT', this.$('pcIDcalendar')); this.hideElement('APPLET', this.$('pcIDcalendar')); } this.bShow = true; } else { popCalendar.hide(); if (this.ctlNow!=btn) this.popUp(btn, ctl, format); } this.ctlNow = btn; } } } popCalendar.init();